Social economy towards the New European Bauhaus: observations and good practices (June 2021)

The New European Bauhaus (NEB) is an interdisciplinary project, acting as a bridge between the world of science and technology and the world of art and culture, and re-thinking the opportunities green and digital challenges could bring to our lives. The NEB calls for a collective effort to imagine and build a sustainable, inclusive and quality of experience future for our minds and souls, to work together to develop an urban/rural, economic and social regeneration. Being built on values such as inclusiveness, solidarity and sustainability, social and solidarity economy and social economy enterprises seem to be in a central position to address the regeneration of communities. After a conceptual framework presenting the objectives and challenges of the NEB, the explorative research will be conducted with reference to existing literature and available information on the sectors covering various NEB disciplines (such as inclusion, green, local community, creative and cultural industries), including collecting good practices and analysis of a set of illustrative cases within Diesis Network, one of the widest European Networks supporting innovation for the social economy and social enterprises development. A special focus will be given to Diesis’s members and countries from the Eastern Europe and Balkan region.