Gender Equality Training to Overcome Unfair Discrimination Practices in Education and Labour Market (2016-2018) 

The GETUP project aimed to address the stereotyping of educational and career choices and to promote gender equality in education, training, career guidance and at the workplace. GET UP concentrated its efforts on improving the competences of key actors in transition phases. In addition, it worked on integrating skills and competences of HR managers and employers so as to promote and ensure gender equality at the workplace. 

Objectives were to:  

  • define a European Minimum Standard of Competences on Gender Equality (EMSC) for those responsible of Human Resources at the workplace (directors, employers, trade unions), Career Guidance professionals and Teachers supporting training and employment choices in order to guide, promote, recruit and retain individuals by overcoming gender stereotypes and taking into consideration their skills, competences and interests; 
  • strengthen the skills and competences of the above-mentioned professionals of both private and public organisations and companies on European and national legislation, practices and behaviours aimed at overcoming gender stereotypes; 
  • raise awareness on gender equality among partner organizations and their members, as well as the whole public, thus promoting also at European level the benefits delivering from the equal participation in society of men and women. 

For more information, please visit:  

Get-Up project is co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme of the European Union. Action Grant (JUST/2015/RGEN/AG/ROLE/9646)