Diesis Network supports the celebration of the International Day of Cooperatives #CoopsDay (03/07) under the slogan #RebuildBetterTogether!

The aim of #CoopsDay is to raise awareness of cooperatives and the occasion to spread the word about how a human-centred business model, sustained by the cooperative values of self-help and solidarity and the ethical values of social responsibility and concern for community, can reduce inequality, create shared prosperity and respond to the immediate impacts of COVID-19.

From Diesis Network, as coordinator of the SILK project (part of the OECD Global Action), we are committed to the internationalisation of social economy, with a consortium of important SSE organisations from EU countries, USA, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, India and Korea.

Find out how you can get involved as #coops around the world celebrating this international day: http://coopsday.coop


Picture designed by International Cooperative Alliance